Understanding Anxiety, PTSD, Depression

Through a Child’s Eye

Recently I was in a grocery store line up, and there was a mother with 3 young children. Her baby boy Simon was in a carrier, straddling the grocery cart. I felt an instant connection with this beautiful baby, and saw a light so bright coming from his navy blue eyes. It was as though he was speaking directly to me. His smile was so all consuming and I found I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I felt he was reminding me that love in its purest form is there for all of us, whenever we want it!

Simon reminded me of the innocence and the purity of childhood that all of us want to feel within ourselves.
At birth, most of us hold the belief that Love is indeed infinite, encompassing, and limitless. We feel deserving of it. We feel nothing but love for our parents, and hold the higher self ‘ideal’ of our lives to come, tightly in our hearts.

Then we begin our journey into the family time line and quickly adopt the belief system that has been present for generations.
During my six week Emotional Blueprint course we begin to map, or explore our family’s tendencies and take a close look at these belief systems. We begin to see the patterns within ourselves that have crippled us in so many aspects of our lives. In discovering your blueprint, you are given valuable tools to begin to create a new emotional landscape for your life!